Contact center trends to watch out for this decade

How are rapid changes in the technology continuously redefining the contact center industry? What are the emerging trends to watch out for in the future?

Businesses have to rely on technological innovations to enhance their effectiveness while reducing their costs. 

Digital transformation and the continuous evolution of technologies have huge impacts on customer behavior and demands. Today, consumers have become more demanding when it comes to responding to their needs. Remember that a big part of how your customers perceive your business comes down to their customer experience. This is why you have to keep track of both the latest and future trends in the contact center industry to help you cater to your customers effectively. 

How COVID-19 pandemic changed the contact center industry

The COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone to be kept indoors by locking down all borders to every country. Since the start of the lockdown, the demand for customer support and online services have skyrocketed. This has resulted in an urgent need for contact centers to be highly efficient as they deliver their services to their patrons. COVID-19 has compelled the contact center industry to adapt to the technological changes immediately as these changes are vital to the success of their business. 

Contact center future trends

Over the past months, contact center leaders had to restructure their business models to boost their customer experience. Businesses have to rely on technological innovations to enhance their effectiveness while reducing their costs. 

Further, to help your contact center to obtain longer stability, here is a list of future trends to help you out with your omnichannel services: 

Advanced self-service tools

Automating your contact center systems with self service tools will help ease out your agents volumes of tasks that they need to attend to. Self service tools enable your customers to resolve their own problems and concerns without the need of agent support.

Examples of these tools are – video tutorials, infographics, FAQS, virtual agents and more. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can also be used for sentiment analysis with the combination of predictive analysis. As customers submit their request ticket, AI will analyze the context via sentiment analysis. It will be then routed to the right agent along with specific information based on the analysis conducted prior. 

Data analytics

Data analytics allows you and your managers to develop more effective strategies to improve your overall productivity and performance. Through predictive analytics, it will help you to increase your customer retention. This will also help you to have a better understanding of your customers’ behaviour. 

Social media engagement will be at the forefront

While contact center offers omni channel platforms for customer service, social media will be the most convenient platform for customers to reach out to your business. This is solely because everyone is on social media these days. As the demands for customer service in social networks continuously grow, so as the demand for customers’ requirements. 

Cloud communication

Cloud technology is applicable to every type of business, including the contact center industry. Cloud based communication allows remote agents to interact with customers the same way they do as they are in their physical offices. Cloud computing allows you and your staff to access the software through the internet. Moreover, it enables everyone to complete their tasks effectively from any location. 

As you may have noticed, a lot of the future trends listed above were already slowly traversing in the contact center industry. However, with the pandemic, it has pushed the urgency of the trends.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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