Utilizing customer experience as a marketing tool

A great customer experience can be used by your marketing team as a tool to spread a good word for your company. It is an incredibly cheap form of advertising for any business.

In the age of social media, a customer’s opinion or review of your product can easily be seen by millions of people worldwide. No matter if it’s positive or negative, it can quickly spread through different platforms for other potential buyers to see.

That is why it is important for your business to put an effort in providing a good experience for your customers – wherever they are in their customer journey. 

Additionally, a great customer experience can be used by your marketing team as a tool to spread a good word for your company. After all, word of mouth is an incredibly cheap yet effective form of advertising that any business can truly benefit from.

Define customer experience

Customer experience is the combined interactions a customer had with your company. It refers to every point the client has interacted with you and your team. 

It highlights whether you are delivering a remarkable experience, gaining a large amount of following, and building your customer’s loyalty with your brand.

Customer experience is about showing up for the customer whenever they need you. It is also about making sure that every interaction that customers have within your store is memorable and meaningful.

What makes customer experience effective in marketing?

Presently, most customers do not base their brand loyalty on the price of a product. They defer instead to how they feel whenever they avail your company’s products and services.. 

A client’s good interaction with your employees could guarantee their confidence in your company. On the other hand,  poor customer interaction could lead them to stop doing business with you. s. 

As companies today compete with providing a good experience for their clientele, your marketing team should take the opportunity to leverage an effective customer problem resolution to increase loyalty and sales in your company. 

Here are several pointers on what makes a good customer experience effective as a marketing tool in your business.

Added value

Added value is a strategy used by businesses, usually start-ups, to gain and retain customers, increase brand awareness and share their business’ unique selling point. 

Building a great customer experience allows you to develop relationships with your clientele that goes beyond simply selling a product or service. By delivering a remarkable customer experience, your business may gain help from attracting new clients by word of mouth referrals or positive online reviews. 

Consider all points of contact with your customer in your business. From initial lead capture to communicating with them post-purchase. 

Aim for a customer experience that gives importance to a personalized service, high attention to detail, and shows a sense of urgency in addressing the concerns of the buyer as they are raised.

Delivering a positive experience to your clients improves your brand recognition. It also promotes brand loyalty if a customer’s journey concludes in a superior manner.

Customer retention

Giving exceptional customer experiences ensure your client’s loyalty and retention. The higher the customer loyalty is, the more purchases they will likely make from your store. 

There is also the possibility that they would help in spreading positive news about your company throughout the people that they know personally and through their online platforms. 

A business with great customer experience will have people seeking them out. Which would make the business easily grow in popularity. 

Positive feedback

An excellent customer experience could help you get positive feedback from your customers. This type of feedback could help your company’s marketing strategy. Good reviews from clients could result in people noticing your product and eventually purchasing it.

Good reviews online could circulate immediately. This leads to an increased number of shares, tweets and mentions of your brand among various social media platforms

If your business has an online website, as it should be in this day and age, increased mentions of your company gets you a good ranking on search engines which is one of the most effective tactics to gain attention online.

Always remember that you cannot downplay a customer’s feedback ever, especially if it is positive. It helps your business get a good reputation among your clients and potential buyers.

Profit increase

The increase of your business’ profit is primarily generated by the impact that a good customer experience has on improving customer loyalty

The strongest impact in a business results from improved customer experience and a client’s brand loyalty. 

Keeping your customers’ interest at the heart of business and marketing, and managing your customer experience initiatives well, will maximize your chance of good business performance and revenue in the long run.


Your company should build strategies and initiatives around a great customer experience. Companies who do these usually do well and innovate constantly. 

Focus on your customer’s pain points and look for a way to resolve them actively with the easiest and most effective solutions. 

When customer’s satisfaction becomes part of your company’s culture, you start to think out of the box. Your business begins innovating ideas and products that elevates your customer experience and outperforms your competitors in your industry.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

The Ultimate Guide to Elevating Your Customer Experience
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The Ultimate Guide to Elevating Your Customer Experience
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