Boost customer experience with these customer service phrases

Customer service is not just about resolving customer concerns. It is also about adding significant value for an excellent customer experience, and an effective way to achieve this is by saying the right words when speaking to your clients.

Customer experience: what you say matters

Many factors contribute to excellent customer experience, and one of them is the customer service phrases you use with your customers and how you say them. 

After all, your customers have a mind of their own and have feelings. Whatever you say to them will affect their mental and emotional state, contributing to their overall customer experience as they interact with your brand.

10 customer service phrases to use for an excellent customer experience

It is essential to ensure that your customer service team phrases some statements as diplomatically as possible to provide excellent support. For instance, say:

“I understand your issues.”

Customers want you to understand them, and simply expressing that you do will soften them up, especially the irate ones. They want reassurance that you know what they are talking about and that you can relate to them. 

“I will do my best to make things right.”

Most customers with complaints feel that your company wronged them and want you to rectify things, so when they hear you proactively say that you are making things right, they tend to lower their guard. They get the impression that you will give them what they want. 

Your clients will be more agreeable to your suggested course of action, which boosts their customer experience.

“I completely understand why you would want it done that way.”

Consumers can sometimes be demanding and unreasonable. A reliable way to deal with them is, first and foremost, to let them know that you understand their reason for wanting something done. 

It could be that they do not trust you, so they resort to insisting on what they believe is best from their point of view. 

Only you and your team know how your company processes work, but instead of resisting, you can show empathy and acknowledge their opinion and then proceed with the following customer service phrase. 

“This is what I can do to help you.”

After acknowledging the customer’s demands, you can detail the steps you will take to fix their problem. This implicitly tells them that what they are asking for is impossible, but you have an alternative solution. 

This customer service phrase is effective since, instead of telling them that you cannot do what they’re specifically asking, you proactively provide an answer to their concern. 

“This is what we did with a similar situation.”

As a follow-up, this statement works by further reassuring your client while not making promises. Promising something to your consumer and eventually not meeting their expectations can lead to a terrible customer experience. 

With this statement, you are selling the idea that you have a solution to their problem even though it is not necessarily the one the customer wants to happen. This phrase is ideal when your consumer asks for something that your company cannot possibly provide based on its product and service limitations.

“For a fast resolution, I would like to request…”

This phrase is an effective way to take control of the conversation and sell the idea of a speedy resolution as long as the customer provides what you need. 

You can also utilize this customer service phrase to control the flow of the conversation, especially when dealing with a talkative customer, without sounding rude. 

At the same time,  you can get the information you need to help the customer without necessarily cutting them off. This saves both your and the client’s time, though make sure not to interrupt your client as they provide the details of the problem. 

“Thank you for waiting. I appreciate your patience.”

Sometimes, business processes can take many days, and customers can be impatient. In such cases, instead of apologizing, you can thank your clients and tell them how you appreciate their patience. 

It can effectively diffuse their frustration and calm them down. Remember, calm clients are more agreeable to suggestions than furious ones. 

“Let me go ahead and look that up for you.”

Customer service representatives can never go wrong in being proactive. Using this phrase shows your willingness to assist your customers, which can improve their initial mood. 

This phrase also shows them that you take ownership of their concerns, which significantly adds to their customer experience. However, ensure that you follow through with action; otherwise, you will lose your credibility.

“I would love to know more about… So could you…”

This statement demonstrates your willingness to listen to your customers’ concerns while, at the same time, taking charge of the flow of conversation. 

Additionally, you and the customer can narrow down the subject of the discussion and focus solely on the main complaint. Doing so will help you and the client find a proper resolution quickly. 

“Thank you for your insight. We appreciate it.”

Always thank your customers whenever they get in touch with you, regardless of the reason. Appreciating them, especially when they contact you to express their disappointment or complaints, can even be turned into a positive experience for them. 

Combine this gesture with an amiable attitude, and you can defuse any frustration the customer may have at the moment.

The positive impact of an excellent customer service

Customer service plays a crucial role in a successful business. It is essential to ensure that your company consistently delivers excellent customer service for a lasting relationship with your clients.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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