Will AI take over customer service support?

More and more businesses these days integrate artificial intelligence in their customer service to enhance customer experience. Will AI take over the customer service?
paid of headsets sitting on desk with Keyboard and mouse

AI will be working hand in hand with the human workforce to help lessen their routine and limited value tasks.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another brilliant breakthrough in today’s technological developments. AI technology has extensive uses in the entire market world. Different businesses from all types of industries are also benefiting from it. It helps organizations in different aspects of their business like automating work processes, detecting fraud, providing predictive analysis and more.

Further, the customer service field is one of the industries wherein artificial intelligence is revolutionizing its operational functions. With its plethora of benefits, people couldn’t help but wonder whether artificial intelligence will take over human job roles.

Different roles of artificial intelligence in customer service

More and more businesses are automating their Customer Relation Management (CRM) through the use of artificial intelligence. A lot of companies today are investing more on ensuring that they are able to provide an excellent customer experience to their patrons.

Through incorporating AI in customer service, organizations are able to quickly resolve issues and inquiries. Aside from strengthening customer relationships, AI may also perform the following functions: 

Enhanced customer satisfaction

Through the use of AI-powered chatbots, businesses are able to manage large volumes of customers without the need of an actual customer service representative. Chatbots are now being used as the front-line of customer engagement as they are able to start a conversation and provide the necessary information needed by the customer.

Aside from automation, chatbots can also determine more complex problems and transfer callers to the appropriate agent or department. On top of these, chatbots can operate for 24/7 without the help of human employees. 

Data privacy

AI technology also helps eliminate privacy concerns when dealing with sensitive customer information. There are various software companies like OP360 that offer customizable AI systems that can be tailored according to each business requirement. 

Customized user experience

Netflix is one of the most popular companies that incorporates AI technology to analyze their customer data and tailor specific offerings to their users. Before, Netflix’s recommendations were based on general categories. Through the integration of AI, it evaluates data sets in real-time and then offers shows and movies that match the behavior of the users.  

Will artificial intelligence take over agents’ roles in customer service?

Artificial intelligence technology has now become a part of nearly every company’s day-to-day operations. However, experts strongly believe that it will not take over human employment.

Rather, AI will be working hand in hand with the human workforce to help lessen their routine and limited value tasks. In terms of customer service, artificial intelligence will not replace customer service representatives, but it will help them be more efficient. 

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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