Is the telemarketing industry still beneficial to business in this day and age?

How did the telemarketing industry evolve from its early years to the 21st century? Is telemarketing still relevant in this day and age?

The telemarketing industry started way back in the year 1970 and it has completely evolved throughout the years.

Your telemarketing procedures can make or break your business. While it is one of the most effective marketing techniques, it has also gained a bad reputation over the years. The telemarketing industry includes the practice of cold calling – and not all people have positive views towards it.

Nonetheless, as a business owner, you have to remember that it all depends on your telemarketers and marketing strategies. Further, telemarketing is still one of the strongest marketing techniques to obtain highly-qualified leads. 

The evolution of telemarketing industry

Telemarketing is, from the word itself, the act of marketing of goods and services by the means of telephone calls. The telemarketing industry started way back in the year 1970 and it has completely evolved throughout the years.

Of course its evolution is heavily influenced by technological developments. For one, during the early years of telemarketing, doing over hundreds of calls a day is quite a challenge as calls have to be manually executed. Another thing is that telemarketing has solely been done through telephony.

Today, telemarketing has gone from cold calling to having omni channel platforms for marketing purposes. Having to reach out to possible leads and existing customers has become even easier through the use of different technologies. More so, telemarketing services have also evolved from call focused to a wide range of operational procedures.

While any type of industry can make use of it, businesses in retail, healthcare, finance, ecommerce, B2B sales and services, and more are the ones that can fully benefit from it. 

What are the benefits of telemarketing in your business?

Telemarketing in general can help your business organization with the following:

Helps boost your sales

Telemarketing supplements face-to-face selling as it is one efficient way of gaining instant sales. While it will most likely depend on the customer, a big factor of the customer’s decisions is the persuasive ability of your telemarketer. Aside from that, your staff needs to have extensive knowledge about your products and services as they need to answer all the customers’ questions with regards to your brand. 

Direct feedback on products and services

Besides promotional purposes, you can also gain direct comments and feedback of your products and services from your customers. This also helps you to engage more and strengthen your relationship with your customers. Further, direct feedback enables you to concentrate more on areas where you need to improve on based on your customers. 

Promotes a more personalized sales services

Part of telemarketers’ job is to build rapport with possible leads and customers. These people possess good interpersonal skills and are well trained to provide your customers with excellent customer service. 

A lot of businesses today have also tapped into telemarketing outsourcing as it helps their business operate for 24 hours. On top of that, these organizations are also able to work with sales experts ensuring the efficiency of this part of their business.  

As for your telemarketing needs, OP360 offers sales and marketing solutions that are perfect for different types of industries. Contact us now and let us know more about your business requirements!

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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