Must-have skills of an inbound call center representative

Ensuring that your support teams possess these must-have inbound call center skills will make a whole lot of difference in your inbound call center operations.

No matter what inbound call center skills that your support teams already possess, you’ll need to consistently perform these must-have skills to continuously improve.

When your customer usually has a problem with a product or service, they don’t ring the comic book superheroes. They look for and reach out to their company’s inbound call center representatives.

These inbound call center representatives are the initial contact of all the people that wish to connect with your brand. They are crucial to the customer service process and your entire business operations. 

Sixty-three per cent of customers confirm that resolving an issue at first call is a deciding element in delivering a positive customer experience. To achieve this, you need inbound call center representatives that possess excellent customer service skills.

Important skills that inbound call centers should have

All skills can be learned, developed, and improved through consistent practice. Ensuring that your support teams possess these necessary skills while handling inbound calls will make a whole lot of difference in your inbound call center operations. 

Watch out for these must-have customer service skills of an inbound call center representative:

Clear and effective communication

The main function of call center agents is to communicate with clients. They must find a balance between being friendly and being reliable customer service support.  

The ability to clearly and effectively communicate with your customers about your company’s products and services. If you can’t communicate properly, you’ll have trouble resolving their concerns.


Empathy is always on the list of must-have skills of inbound call center representatives. This means that an agent should be able to understand where customers are coming from.

Agents must remain calm and reasonable when customers frequently let out their frustrations. If you can empathize with customer concerns, they may leave with understanding and politeness at the end of the conversation. 

Deep product knowledge 

To field a high volume of phone calls that your company receives every day means to field a high volume of inquiries as well. Inbound call center agents need to have deep product and services knowledge, and an understanding of their company’s all-about.

It’s a must that they can accurately represent and discuss your brand in all of their conversations. This does not only help them become more comfortable in conversations and giving out resolutions. 

Keen attention to detail and organization

As an inbound call center agent, it’s already imperative that you should listen carefully to your clients. If you have a keen attention to what they’re saying, you can provide them with accurate and satisfying resolutions. 

There are instances where your customers would tell you multiple issues all at once. Your role is to identify the main source of the problem. This way, it is easier to organize, record and keep track of your conversations with customers. 

Attentive to customer’s concern

Along with being attentive and organized, attentiveness automatically goes with the package of inbound call center agents. Customers won’t tell you exactly what the problem is, so you’ll need to dissect them.

However, you won’t be able to do that if you’re not listening attentively. 

Unfortunately, if not executed well, you may lose a sale or a customer due to miscommunication. Being attentive over the phone is necessary especially when you can’t see the facial reactions of your caller. 

Being attentive not only means you have to look for contextual indications of the customer’s concerns. You also have to match with their emotion and energy level. This will spark a more personalized conversation and service.

Problem-solving and flexibility

After carefully assessing your customer’s situation, agents could offer the most appealing and reasonable solution to them. You shouldn’t leave them empty-handed at the end of the conversation.

Even if there would be no exact or direct solution in some situations, you can give them options for better deals. Delivering the most practical solution might not be exactly how you expected it, so options must be laid down to customers. 

For that reason, businesses must focus on their skill and treat them as opportunities to improve their service.


Knowing how a conversation can get complicated. With the number of calls an agent can receive in a day, call center agents must be able to manage their patients.

If you can patiently work with customers while their grievances and address their concerns, you’ll be able to increase customer satisfaction. No matter how irate your customers can be, you can diffuse the situations and leave them with a good impression.

Hiring the best inbound call center representative

No matter what inbound call center skills that your support teams already possess, you’ll need to consistently perform these must-have skills to continuously improve.

Upon hiring the right set of candidates, you shouldn’t stop at finding these skills in the hiring process. You must be able to develop them and let your agents apply them in every call. 
Strengthening your inbound call handling will not only end conversations positively but will also increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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