A brief introduction to brand resonance

In the early days of brand marketing, consumers often obtained information from only a few sources: 

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Radio
  • Word of mouth

Today, consumers have access to various materials and authorities whenever they want to acquire details about a specific product.

They have become brands’ co-creators, playing a vital role in altering the meanings associated with brand names. Consumers actively use brands to identify themselves and others in their environment.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, several new firms have started, and each of these enterprises has developed a unique approach to brand building. This has made it difficult for pre-pandemic organizations to compete.

Businesses need to overcome various hurdles brought by the market’s competitive landscape to win against competitors. To make this possible, organizations should use multiple marketing channels that allow customers to assess brands and educate themselves about the industry.

Further, it is essential to recognize that the degree to which a brand resonates with its customers impacts the company’s brand equity.

What is brand resonance?

Brand resonance is how well consumers relate to specific brands. It is how they perceive the values and the goals of the business’s brand.

The emotional connection between a brand and its customers happens because brand resonance triggers a customer response.

Likewise, brand resonance is how the brand can build relationships with its target audience. When this occurs, the consumers feel entirely in sync with the brand.

Brand resonance has an aesthetic appeal that makes people feel better about themselves and stay connected with the brand.

An example is when a consumer thinks about a particular brand or product they have made a repeat purchase with and feels excited, happy, or content. The presence of emotion is considered brand resonance.

Note that the connection between the brand and the customers does not happen momentarily. Brands must communicate effectively with consumers if they want them to resonate with them.

Importance of brand resonance to marketing

Brand resonance is critical to a business’s success because it culminates the organization’s marketing efforts.

It drives satisfaction to consumers after knowing who and what you are as a brand until they decide how much of a connection they would like to have with you.

Brand resonance is crucial because it helps potential customers and target audiences elevate your brand among many competitors.

Brand resonance establishes a more profound relationship with the consumers making it helpful in developing positive brand equity

Four layers of brand resonance

Professional marketers are undoubtedly familiar with brand visibility, equity, and loyalty which are the primary components of brand resonance.

You can only build relationships with your consumers with them being aware of your products and services. 

With brand equity, you can drive your customers to value what you can offer. Hence, there will be no loyalty.

To  help you understand its meaning and importance better, below are the four layers of brand resonance:

Layer 1: Identity

The first goal of a brand is to build awareness and establish an identity for its target audience. This not only means how well consumers can recognize your brand but how much information they can recall about it.

Layer 2: Meaning

This refers to how well your brand fulfills the consumers’ expectations. It measures the effectiveness of your product or service. 

The following are the main elements of this layer:

  • Price – refers to your brand’s affordability. Is it budget-friendly or only available for the elite society?
  • Reliability – is your product durable? Does it appear the same as the advertisement?
  • Design – this element can go far in creating a memorable experience for the customer, and it affects the purchasing decision of the buyer.

Layer 3: Response

After you have established a brand image, the third layer is where consumers make their purchase decisions.

Layer 4: Relationship

Every layer mentioned above is built towards brand resonance, and this fourth layer should sustain it.

It should not be at the bottom of the brand resonance; instead, this is the top of the pyramid view.

Customer retention is aimed to be created by building a relationship with the consumers once a strong brand awareness has been established and they respond positively to it.

Levels of brand resonance model

The levels of brand resonance are the prerequisites for developing brand equity.

Brand identification

Brand identification establishes an association in the customers’ minds to create familiarity with your brand. People must constantly be exposed to your brand because a hidden brand is an unknown brand.

Brand establishment

Brand establishment is the recognized authority and knowledge resource. This involves developing an effective marketing strategy to promote your product and convince customers to buy it

Brand response

Once you have built a connection with the consumers, the next step is to elicit responses from them. Direct response is excellent for growth and allows advertisers to provide a strong branding message.

Brand relationship

The final level of brand resonance is to convert the responses into building strong customer relationships with your brand, which will result in repeat purchases.

Brand resonance as the critical component of your brand building

Brand resonance is crucial because it enables target consumers to raise your brand above your competition by developing a stronger, more meaningful relationship with them.

When consumers identify with a brand, they will continue to purchase and incorporate it into their lives. Lastly, you may build substantial brand equity by achieving genuine brand resonance, which translates to high customer engagement and loyalty.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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