A basic introduction to performance management

There is a radical shift in performance management approaches. Hence, an effective management system is more important than ever.

Although new performance management trends emerge yearly, every organization needs to optimize them. Because if the performance management turns out to be unreliable, this leads to unmotivated and unengaged employees. 

It will also cause frustration with the managers seeing their employees’ poor level of performance. Thankfully, businesses understand that they must optimize their management systems to perform better in the current market.

What is performance management?

Performance management is a broad discipline that embraces multiple business functions, determining performance measures.

Performance management also covers:

  • Setting goals
  • Monitoring progress
  • Setting rewards
  • Giving feedback on results
  • Providing coaching
  • Sharing best practices

But it’s not just about recognizing people’s work – it is also a set of processes designed to give every company member a chance to reach their full potential. Additionally, it changes how the team members operate and interact with each other.

Performance management allows managers to spot employee performance problems early in their careers. The objective is to correct employees’ behavior and review their performance before it becomes a more significant issue.

Performance reviews usually take place after the company achieves specific goals or standards have been set. 

The assessment helps determine what the company expects from employees regarding their contributions to the goal-setting process.

Ultimately, performance management is about making the business more effective, competitive, and profitable.

3 significant importance of performance management

Effective performance management gives companies the following advantages: 

1. Employee engagement

Performance management is a valuable tool for fostering employee engagement. It encourages continual communication and an environment of motivation, support, and confidence. 

This type of management addresses the gap between management and workers, increasing productivity and work satisfaction.

Performance management ensures workers get involved in events and company happenings. In other words, organizations engage employees well and let them feel they matter. 

When this approach is applied, employment becomes career-boosting. Improving employee engagement through performance management is essential in automating workflow and increasing ROI.

2. Employee retention

Lack of appreciation is a significant reason for employee churn and why workers seek new employment. Employees desire recognition and validation for their hard work. 

Performance management encourages firms to recognize and reward individuals. It also provides transparency and the opportunity to exchange feedback and extra training when necessary.

These are all critical players in retaining employees.

3. Developing leaders

Performance management can improve an organization’s growth when done correctly and consistently.

An efficient performance management system offers mentoring – ensuring that the team reaches its maximum potential. It allows team leaders to identify areas for improvement and areas of strength for everyone in the company.

It also assists managers in devising methods to improve performance and provides a chance to discuss career opportunities.

Overall, performance management aids leaders in providing additional training that will be valuable in formulating promotion criteria.

4 examples of performance management

Here are real-life examples to better understand the areas in which a performance management system is used.

1. Google

Recognizing the importance of employees, Google emphasizes building performance into everyday work.

They utilize transparency in appraisals, at the same time, effectively manage objectives for individuals and their teams.

Google’s performance management practices involve the following:

  • Self-assessment. This allows employees to reflect on their performance before meeting with their superiors.
  • 360-feedback. For specific initiatives, feedback from peers is solicited on their performance quality, flaws, and contributions.
  • Annual Performance Review. There are two phases to Google’s yearly performance assessment: a mid-year checkpoint and an end-of-year review.

The end-of-year review incorporates the employee’s self-evaluation and 360-degree feedback:

  • Monthly Performance Check-Ins. Google workers meet with their bosses monthly for routine check-ins. These check-ins include career growth, coaching, and any personal concerns.
  • Engagement Survey. This enables management to monitor and conduct company-wide comparisons to identify trends, best practices, and potential problem areas.
  • Upward Feedback Survey. Google also runs yearly upward feedback questionnaires allowing direct subordinates to evaluate their superiors.

2. Facebook

Like Google, Facebook uses 360 real-time feedback and other similar performance management approaches.

The company’s continual flow of real-time 360-degree feedback enables employees to get a thorough picture of an employee’s performance before the evaluation.

3. Adobe

Since it’s hard to monitor employees and provide feedback in a hybrid setting today, Adobe has completely removed its performance management system.

Instead, they replace the yearly feedback with the performance assessment – with a more regular and less formal “check-in” procedure. 

At least once per quarter, managers and employees in the Adobe company hold check-in meetings.

4. Microsoft

Microsoft has utilized stack ranking as part of its performance management for years. 

Stack ranking is a procedure in which the management team of each business unit evaluates the performance of its personnel.

Microsoft team ranks a percentage of them as high performers, mediocre performers, or bad performers.

However, Microsoft restructured its performance management in 2013 by eliminating stack ranking. It was replaced by a procedure focusing more on team cooperation and employee growth.

Keep your employees engaged with performance management

Getting ahead at work requires serious dedication to identifying new ways to help your company succeed. Create an engaging performance management process so you can unlock many of the benefits that come with it.

Overall, performance management can help you enhance employee performance, increase employee engagement, and improve your organization’s bottom line.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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