In-house staffing vs. Outsourcing: What to consider for your outbound call center

Both in-house staffing and outsourcing have perks and pitfalls for any business. There are numerous factors for you to consider upon choosing between the two. 

You have to look at the industry you’ll be working in, the number of staff, your product and services, and of course, your capital. In this situation, we’re dealing with outbound call centers.

In this article, we’re gonna lay down the advantages of both inhousing and outsourcing it can give to your outbound call center operations. 

Take a look at our list and determine how either of the two can help you gain what you need the most. 

Outbound call center definition

An outbound call center consists of teams that make outgoing calls to shoppers. Sales representatives usually run outbound call centers to perform cold calls to potential customers about their products and services. 

Companies also might make outbound calls to conduct surveys, collect market research, or solicit donations. But, where do these outbound call center centers operate? 

These companies operate internally at their offices or they outsource their outbound calling operations to third-party providers. 

Read on to learn more about the trade-offs of inhouse and outsourcing with their differences below.

In-house staffing vs. outsourcing

In-house development means operating within your organization, with the use of resources of your organization. 

It includes the recruitment of staff and paying them with a regular salary and other employment benefits. It also includes the utilization of software and other company facilities.

While outsourcing is the process of hiring an external provider to fulfill roles and other tasks for your company. The outsourcing company then recruits employees outside the organization to perform tasks.

The main difference between the two lies within their own strategic methods of who and where the works, projects, or tasks are being made.

Advantages of in-house outbound call center

If you opt to fulfill your business needs within your organization, here are some of the benefits you can gain when you in-house your call centers activities:

You will have overall control

If you work within your organization, you’ll have complete control over your call center activities. 

It’s up to you if you want to create your own call handling procedures to achieve the ideal call support too. 

Call center managers can decide on what type of calls to handle, and what schedule shifts would best fit your agents’ strengths. 

You also have the prerogative of choosing which inbound and outbound call center software should be used in your office.

Since you have overall control, urgent news such as company policies will also be swiftly relayed to you compared to third parties.

Your agents can gather insights from customer engagement

Customer reactions are important for business development. 

In-house call center agents can effectively acquire essential insights for the benefit of the business. 

They can learn several pieces of information from customers, and identify some critical areas of improvement. You can fully have this with third-party agents whose sole aim is to get the work done.

It will increase your employees’ satisfaction

In-house agents can often provide a higher level of personalized service to customers because it directly benefits their company. 

If they have direct access to management and high-level support, it will be easier for them to resolve issues quicker for customers. 

If they are productive at the workplace and their talents are used to where they suit the most, it will increase your employees’ satisfaction.

Advantages of outsourcing outbound call center

Generally, outsourcing is highly sought after due to its cost savings. They offer smart pricing that is beneficial for large businesses.

Here are some advantages of call center outsourcing;

Reduce on cost

Outsourcing call agents to a different region is definitely cheaper compared to starting an in-house call center.

With call center outsourcing, you can create a customized engagement as per your company’s needs, it all depends on a contract. A contract will cover your company’s needs when it comes to hiring staff, and other resources. 

Depending on your agreement, your third-party provider can shoulder up to 50% of your call center operations.

They will also process all the hiring applications, recruitment, training, and onboarding of your agents.

Mitigate risks

You might not have a hundred percent control when you opt to outsource. But outsourcing will allow you to engage in a mutual risk agreement. 

This will not let you operate blindly as it will provide a sense of security to the clients. 

By outsourcing your call center services, not only do you lower the costs of overhead counts and unnecessary resources, but you also mitigate the risks associated with it. 

An outsourcing contract would also give you an additional layer of defense should something go wrong.

Focus on core duties

If you have an external service provider managing your operations, your role as a manager or business owner will definitely be more breathable.

Letting them handle a large area of your business will free up your time so you could put your attention on your core duties—service and product development. 

Your provider will make the process more efficient even if it means catering to a high volume of calls customer service during peak time.

What’s the right strategy for your business?

Both business strategies are suitable for different cases. Either inhousing or outsourcing can give you such advantages. But what does your business is looking for? 

These advantages also come with a set of risks, considering the risks and how you can manage them is also an important point to consider. 

Working within your organization is a healthy choice if you want to see progress within your team members. But can you handle the costs and the workload it can give you?

At the same time, outsourcing can be a daunting task first. But are you willing to let go of the opportunity to scale better with the help of an external provider?

Take time upon analyzing your company’s needs. Be meticulous with your decisions and you will see how your business can grow exponentially either with inhouse or outsourcing.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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