10 updated cold calling tips to achieve better outcomes

Since the rapid increase of technological advancement in online channels and sales marketing, cold calling has taken a backseat. 

However, it is undeniably a great way to get potential clients.

This strategy still works for big industries like insurance, telecommunications, legal services, utilities, banking, travel, e-commerce, and other organizations that require communication.

People and potential partner industries tend to trust brands that provide human communication more than purely automated ones. 

Having human interaction makes a business look legit and professional. You can also get information from your prospects by establishing a human touch with them.

You can build a strategy to approach them in a way that will surely capture the prospects’ attention and get them to listen to you and stay hooked.

Communication builds a connection between the industry and the people, especially in business-to-business cold calling.

With continuous changes in the market, you will also need new strategies and build new connections for you to stay in the competition.

What is cold calling?

Cold calling is when a sales representative reaches out to a potential customer who’s never interacted with the company.

It is a way to engage prospects one-on-one to move them to the next step in the buying process.

Since many know that unknown numbers are associated with scams today, it’s more common for companies to call a list of potential customers through lead gathering.

Cold calling for businesses is more than just about lead generation that converts prospects into paying customers. It is also used to gain important information about potential clients. 

10 updated cold calling tips

Although cold calling techniques have been proven effective in selling a company’s products and services, they will not work if done the old-fashioned way.

Here are ten updated tips for making cold calls, presented in no particular order.

1. Strengthen your research skills

A competent salesperson makes a cold call to the appropriate person at the proper time. You have to research the best time to reach your prospects.

To efficiently maximize time, an excellent representative conducts market research, focuses on the target market, and gathers as much information as possible about the prospect.

With considerable research skills, you can connect with the right person at the right time.

2. Make use of social media trends

The first stage in cold calling is identifying your target audience and comprehending their demands.

A skilled sales representative will utilize social media trends to locate existing clients and prospects for cold calling.

Social media lets you know who your audiences are as they usually follow specific trends. Making use of social media lets you know what consumers want and how you can engage with them.

3. Lead the conversation with a great opening

The first few minutes of conversation matter a lot in cold calling strategy. You must plan out what you want to say and come up with an opening question for cold call sales.

In most cases, the most effective technique to make a cold call is to inquire about the target client’s business using open-ended questions (if your prospect is already a business owner).

Your intent to cold call needs to be precise; give them a specific value you have to offer, and don’t beat around the bush.

4. Use a script

Cold calling strategy typically uses a sales pitch script to ensure that representatives sell the product effectively.

Your sales script should always cover these three parts:

  • Introduction. Introduce yourself and the company in a brief but thorough manner. Then go straight to the point about the main purpose of your call.
  • Summary. This should include your product and the exact value. Mention only three main benefits your prospect can get if they purchase but keep it short.
  • Closing. Always pay respect even if there is a possible rejection. Thank them and mention that you appreciate their time for answering your call. You may also remind them of the deals and when it’s available before bidding goodbye.

5. Pick the right time

The optimal moment to speak with prospects is when they are likely to be at their desk and not engaged in other activities so that they will be solely focused on your voice.

According to Execvision, the best time to call is between 9 am and 4 pm, when they are most likely getting ready for a chore or taking a break.

6. Deal with common objections

Avoid being aggressive during the conversation. Allow ample time for discussion and bargaining toward the conclusion of your exchange.

Ensure that any choice taken during the call may be reversed. Remember that you want people to purchase from you, not simply agree with you.

7. Don’t make the sale on the first call

For your prospects to take you seriously, avoid making cold calls sound like a sales presentation where there is no space for negotiation or dialogue since this will make them defensive.

Do not discuss the product yet. Remember that you should only discuss the product and why you are selling it after introducing yourself, the company, and your purpose.

Although it is part of the objective of cold calling, starting with a sales pitch can give the impression that you just phoned the prospect because you have a quota to meet.

8. Listen to what the prospects say

Listening to your prospects will help establish trust and rapport. 

In this cold calling tip, you should not try to finish each other’s sentences because it would make them feel that their feelings are unimportant.

9. Remember to follow up

Whether you both get an agreement or you have been rejected, you should ask prospects to give you a call back when they are ready to make a purchase.

You can also remind potential clients that you will give them a call on a specific date so they know they should be expecting your call on the said day.

10. Practice makes perfect

When you keep practicing how to make cold calls, you will eventually get comfortable using your cold calling skills.

Becoming an effective sales representative cannot be achieved overnight, and remember that committing errors is normal.

With great effort to practice these tips, you will surely set a better impression on your new prospects.

Connect with new prospects using these updated cold calling tips

Cold calling might be time-consuming and tiresome, but the benefits are worthwhile! 

These tactics for cold calling are a great approach to engaging with new prospects, especially since they are current.

With cold calling, you may reach out to individuals who match your typical consumer profile and inform them of your business’s offerings.

The best part about these updated tips is that they are simple to apply and maintain, while others still use outdated methods.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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