A brief introduction to employee activation

Well-nurtured employees can be a company’s genuine brand. They become the company’s valuable assets, which the target customers will be excited to work with.

When employees are engaged and motivated, they are more productive and contribute to the company’s development. The more employees you activate, the more enthusiastic they will be about their jobs.

A participative management style and multiple communication channels are essential for driving employees to their superior performance.

With a talent-first approach, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their most valuable people and place them in an environment where they can thrive.

This article briefly introduces employee activation and how to start implementing it in your organization.

Defining employee activation

Employee activation is a term used by Human Resources departments to describe how well your employees can perform their parts in the company. 

It focuses on the employees’ ability to develop a strong connection between their identity and how they perform their job within the organization. It also represents employees’ strengths and how they fulfill their potential contributions to work.

Each business is unique, so each company will have its own employee activation strategy.

Activated employees feel motivated and can communicate appropriately with prospects and potential customers. This leads to customers considering employees as their primary source of information on products and services. 

Employee activation can significantly help your company’s overall success by aiding your sales and marketing efforts. Essentially, it represents the degree to which employees are aligned with organizational goals and values.
Furthermore, employee activation systematically organizes people, processes, and culture to fully engage employees in the business strategy.

Why employee activation matters

Employee activation helps employees feel more connected to their organization and empower them to become internal advocates for change.

As a result, organizations experience reduced employee turnover and higher productivity. And they learn how to get and give support from the employees within the organization.

When employees are activated, they can improve their performance and behavior in such a way that it will help the company achieve its organizational goal.

How to start an employee activation program

Employee activation aims to strengthen mutual connections between employees and employers.

As companies grow, they need new and improved ways to achieve the same goals over time.  Maintaining an employee activation program is one great way of doing so.

Here are the essential steps to start an employee activation program:

Let employees become part of the big picture

Letting your employees become a part of your firm’s critical functions can be adopted as one of the core elements of your growth strategy.

Make your employees want to go the extra mile by giving them a clear picture of where the company is going.

When employees feel a sense of belonging in the organization, they tend to work harder and share their personal best for the company.

Set up a communication and feedback system

Unleashing the power of employees’ ideas and suggestions has a significant potential to improve efficiency within any company.

A communication system is a good tool for encouraging workers to give feedback and help increase staff retention. 

You can increase employee productivity by creating a communication and feedback system as part of employee activation.

Inspire them with real results

Let your employees know that they have been a great help in achieving what your company has now.

This will make them feel appreciated and aim to contribute more to the company because of the natural and significant result they become part of.

Never stop communication

Communication at work is vital for the organization and the business’s success. It maintains efficiency and allows for easier collaboration.

When there is effective communication between co-workers, it can prevent confusion and positively affects their performance.

Benefits of employee activation

Employee activation helps employees and employers in many ways, but here are its three significant advantages:

Improves employee engagement

Employee engagement means that your employees are invested in the company’s success.

When everyone is on the same page, goals are easier to achieve, and employees feel they can impact on a larger scale.

Their attitudes shift from viewing their jobs as a chore to being excited to get up and go to work each day.

Retains great employees

Employee activation is a great approach to keeping the right employees. Activated employees become determined to stay in an organization that gives them value, security, and comfort at work.

Enhances work satisfaction

Employee activation allows employers to identify what they can do better to satisfy their employees’ professional needs.

It aids companies in helping employees reach their goals. As a result, the employees are more engaged and perform positively at work.

Activated employees drive business growth.

Organizations should start focusing more on building work environments that arouse positive emotions in the workforce.

Undoubtedly, employee activation is one of the crucial drivers of business growth. Activated employees are more productive, work harder, and see the workplace as their second home.

Most importantly, employee activation is not about telling employees what to do or how to perform.

It is about creating an environment where employees can learn and develop their skills and abilities. This will, in turn, lead to higher motivation levels, better performance, and retention.

Activated employees can become the innovators that help your business grow. 

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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