5 ways AI augment software development

Artificial intelligence is evolving at a rapid pace. It transforms even software development, making it possible to code and deploy enhancements faster and more efficiently. 

These developments aid the industry, particularly developers, in finding new and best ways to invent and develop technologies.  

Algorithm-based machines accelerate software development, while AI transforms the development process workflow for software engineers.

The current development is in its early stages. The industry can expect a better transformation in the future, which can benefit developers in the long run. 

But how do AI and software development relate to each other? How does one reinforce the other? All of these and more are in the sections below. 

Link between AI and software development

AI and software development are both products of the technological innovation boom in the 21st century. Although AI has been around for decades, its practical use is just realized now. 

Meanwhile, software development is a new trend. From website creation to mobile applications and software development, it has peaked due to Internet of Things integration. 

Traditionally, software development takes a lot of time. Developers spend most of their time coding, testing, and debugging their programs. In fact, almost half of the time, developers create and fix their codes. 

Integrating AI into software development presents many opportunities, especially in the fast creation and testing of codes. Developers can have more time creating more valuable tasks than spending efforts and resources on a single code.   

5 ways AI augments software development

AI and software development are at the early stages of their inception. Practical and definitive results are yet to be seen. 

Below are five tried and tested benefits of utilizing AI and software development altogether: 

1. Scale of development

The actual impact of AI and software development integration can be tested in the key aspect of software delivery performance. 

This includes deployment frequency, restoring service, and lead time for changes. These KPIs are all time-bound since software development needs to develop and deploy quickly. 

AI can augment software development by shortening these KPIs, particularly software testing. Its compound computing capabilities can diagnose and run tests in minutes. 

The advantage is that multiple scenario testing is possible compared to singular scenario testing by quality assurance analysts. This eliminates errors and makes the testing more accurate and insightful. 

Hence, AI streamlines processes and reduces the wastage of resources and time. At the same time, with the hyper-automation capabilities of AI, it can code and verify deployments making the work of developers much easier. 

2. Redefining the role of developers

With the integration of AI and software development, the responsibilities of developers are evolving. The possibility of automating codes makes the bulk of a developer’s task free from human interference. 

While this is still in the far future, this is possible with the fast developments in AI and software development. But it does not mean that developers will be obsolete. 

Like in any industry, the market will create new responsibilities and roles that developers can assume.  They can focus on developing valuable outputs which generate more revenues and income for the company. 

Also, developers cannot be replaced. While AI can make codes, in terms of understanding the instructions and the human touch, developers are still the best way to do it. 

3. Strategic decision-making

Integrating AI and software development can help make strategic decision-making possible. With the saved time and resources, determining which product and features to invest in will be a whole lot easier. 

Data storage will increase with analytics-driven decisions, making it possible to arrive at smarter and more data-based decisions. These insights reduce risks and costs, eliminating potential errors and misinformation brought about by a lack of research and data. 

Better decision-making that is rooted in past behavior and based on analytics will help mitigate risks and the costs associated with them. 

Decision-making by AI will also help eliminate human biases and errors. Data can help make intelligent and informed decisions. Machine learning gathers, analyzes, and leverages data and then the computer makes decisions based on this.

4. Error management

One of the advantages of AI and software development is that the former can be programmed to become error-free. 

With errors flagged in the system, machines can actively identify these, avoid them, and ensure that the output is working and viable. 

Currently, managing errors comprise most of the system downtimes. With the help of AI, this downtime can be reduced and augmented using fast, automated, and reliable solutions. Compared to the current practice, developers need to manually correct it.

5. Real-time feedback

Majority of the video teleconferencing in the market have real-time feedback functions from users. This allows users to provide instant feedback, which then leads to increased customer service. 

AI can be trained and programmed to mimic this kind of interaction to make the software experience different and better. With the constant feedback from customers, the developers can make the necessary enhancements leaving a positive impression. 

AI as the present and future of development

The integration of AI and software development will soon become a major innovation across various industries. 

This will make AI become a necessity to software developers. With the benefits enumerated above, it will become an invaluable tool for them to maximize. 

In fact, software developers do not have a choice. AI has already established itself as an enhancer or force multiplier in keeping operations lean and efficient. They need to adapt and find collaborative ways to move forward. 

With this integration, major disruptions and innovations will continue to be seen in the tech industry in the years ahead. 

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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