Advancing education with AI support

Artificial intelligence is one of the most intriguing technologies of our time. It’s changing how we live and work and can potentially transform education as we know it. 

AI support is a new application that will make it easier for educators to streamline their teaching methods. The education sector is arguably one of the fields where the application of this technology should be prioritized. 

It’s exciting to see what new developments are coming to the educational field, and the integration of artificial intelligence is one that many might feel is long overdue.

What is AI support?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to create machines and programs that think like humans. The AI mimics human intelligence processes like learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. 

AI support uses artificial intelligence to help humans perform tasks more efficiently. The goal is to automate tedious tasks so people gain more time for higher-value work. 

Developers are looking into the many applications for AI support, such as business process management or introducing it into education technology. 

Within the education sector, AI support can provide personalized feedback that teachers can use to design their teaching plans and techniques. 

The increased reliance on technology in schools and colleges opened new opportunities for AI support tools to help streamline how institutions operate.

5 ways AI support can be used in the education sector

AI support simply means using artificial intelligence to supplement and enhance current tasks. In the case of education, it means reducing much of the work that teachers do with low effort but which takes them too much time. 

This technology can, therefore, theoretically have a wide range of use. Here are some of the ways AI support comes in handy:

1. Automated admin tasks

Automating admin tasks is one of the most obvious ways AI support can be used in education. For example, automated email notifications can alert teachers when new students join their classes. 

This is a simple implementation of AI support, but it saves a lot of time. 

AI support can also help manage workloads. The AI support will essentially serve as the teacher’s office manager or administrative assistant, automatically organizing files and updating folders. 

AI support also removes the manual aspect of keeping track of students. An AI support system can keep constant tabs on student grades and notify the teacher of any anomalies.

2. Tutoring support 

AI support can be used to provide tutoring assistance for students. The biggest advantage is that, unlike a human teacher, the AI can be accessed anytime and anywhere. 

A student can approach their AI support tutor with any query regarding their coursework and can get an instant response. Like real tutors, AI support provides feedback on the student’s performance. 

Educators may even program the AI to attend to different students’ needs. This means they can cater to more students outside their normal class schedules.

3. Personalized learning

Personalized learning is an approach to teaching that involves analyzing data about each student’s strengths and weaknesses to create tailored educational plans for them. 

AI can quickly analyze large amounts of data, comparing results across different assessments to provide teachers with a clear picture of how each student has performed. 

Using this method enables teachers to focus on areas where students need extra help while still giving them time to work on areas where they excel. 

4. Enabling universal access

AI support can help us achieve the goal of universal education. A UNESCO report documents that 244 million children between the ages of 6 and 18 globally were out of school in 2021. 

AI support can help solve part of the problem by allowing teachers to handle more students without sacrificing quality. 

Universal access to education means supporting all learners, regardless of language or culture. AI support bridges this gap, allowing programs that can overcome language barriers and cultural differences. 

5. Smart content creation

Finally, AI support can be used to gather materials and information for smart content creation. Education institutions can create digital learning resources with relevant videos, images, and articles to engage learners further. 

AI support can scour online resources to collect the most updated and accurate information for inclusion in student curriculums, ensuring quality control.  

Using the data gathered by AI support, teachers can create lesson plans that matter and customize them to the students’ needs. 

In the near future, this may even evolve to using AI support to automate the creation of custom lessons and assignments.

The future of AI support in education 

While this all seems very promising, a lot of work still needs to be done before AI support can be properly integrated into educational systems. The realm of artificial intelligence still gives us new things to sort out everyday. 

AI will likely have a significant impact on educational subjects, and it will take a long time to understand how each subject will adjust to it. The capabilities of AI, the best ways to use it, and the advantages it can offer all require more study.

Establishing a standardized method for utilizing AI help is another issue that needs to be addressed. If a widespread agreement exists, it will be used appropriately in the classroom, and all schools adopting AI support will work toward the same objectives.

Lastly, whenever we use artificial intelligence in education, we must constantly keep ethics in mind. Even as it develops, technology is still susceptible to manipulation. 

We need to be sure that using AI support won’t lead to harm.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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