Conversion rate optimization: Benefits, process, and calculation

Technology has made significant advancements in the past few years, prompting businesses to adopt newer trends. Nonetheless, the fundamentals of marketing remain sound: Convert more customers.

The conversion rate is a vital and dependable indicator of how effectively an organization resonates with its target market. It assists marketing professionals in measuring the effectiveness of campaigns or advertisements.

But then establishing an online presence is becoming increasingly competitive and today’s internet traffic is unpredictable. 

If you cannot convince visitors to join your conversion funnel on their first attempt, it is unlikely that they will return and take the necessary action. This is nothing but a missed chance for your company. 

That said, an efficient conversion rate optimization is the one you will need to improve your marketing content and increase conversions.

This article tackles conversion rate optimization, its benefits, its process, and how to calculate it correctly.

What is conversion rate optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the practice of improving your website or landing page based on website visitor behavior.

The main goal of conversion rate optimization is to increase the visitor’s likelihood of completing the intended action on the conversion page.

A successful CRO strategy entails not only significant savings in time, money, and effort but also business growth possibilities. 

In other words, conversion rate optimization assists you in gaining a more profound knowledge of your website’s usability while providing insights into user behavior.
Strategically, CRO is a continuous learning process to optimize e-commerce websites to achieve more significant results and higher conversion rates.

4 benefits of CRO in businesses

Understanding the advantages of conversion rate optimization lets you know your consumers deeply, boosts revenue and reduces acquisition expenses.

Here are the four significant benefits of CRO in businesses:

1. Better ROI

Conversion rate optimization remains crucial to achieving growth in a company’s revenue because higher conversion rates mean more significant ROI and total profit for enterprises.

2. Increased user engagement

Conversion rate optimization enhances visitors’ interactions with your website and campaigns, resulting in increased engagement. 

Increased user engagement can provide valuable KPIs for your campaigns — giving you an idea of what motivates users to act.

3. Scalability

CRO enables you to expand your business without running out of prospective clients. Additionally, it helps you maximize your existing customer base and drive traffic to your website to acquire new clients.

4. Valuable user insights

As mentioned, the objective of conversion rate optimization is to identify a firm’s ideal sales leads. Keep in mind that acquiring site visitors only benefits your business if they are the correct prospects.

CRO may assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of your consumer’s behavior and identifying the content that best addresses their demands. 

Conversion rate optimization process

Customer insights, past user behavior, and CRO best practices all influence the CRO process.

The fundamental steps in conversion rate optimization are as follows:

Audience research

The first step is to understand what consumers are interested in, what they struggle with, and how they connect with your business. You must survey your audience and analyze past consumer behavior to achieve this.

Google Analytics may give a comprehensive overview of your users and their activities, enabling you to track conversions and the outcomes of your conversion rate optimization.

Remember to activate the appropriate objectives or e-commerce monitoring before collecting data.


Utilize analytics tools to determine the effectiveness of your efforts. Create goals to measure conversions, and then specify your conversion rate by comparing the number of modifications to your overall traffic.

A/B testing

Conversion rate optimization is not permanent — you will need to compare your tweaks to several components to see which ones work.

It is an excellent idea to do A/B testing so your team can discover the most persuasive form of communication to use with clients. For instance, you may compare two “call-to-action” to see which works better and leads to higher conversion rates.

Calculating conversion rate

Calculate the conversion rate by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of users or website visits, then multiply the result by 100 to obtain a percentage.

For example, if your website had 20 contact form submissions and 1,000 visits in one month, your conversion rate would be 20 / 1,000 = 0.02 x 100 = 2%.

Calculating your conversion rate allows you to establish a baseline for the current performance of your website or campaign.

This will enable you to compare the outcomes of any adjustments you make and the results to your initial conversion rate, allowing you to determine what’s working and what’s not.

Convert more customers easily using conversion rate optimization

A comprehensive understanding of customer rate optimization is essential to getting the most value out of your users and site visitors. 

Whether you operate a website for a small business or an enterprise, a well-defined CRO process allows you to convert more customers quickly.

And remember, CRO is not just a tool for improving your brand’s online performance – it is the tool that will set you apart from the competition!

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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