Direct mail marketing – explained

Direct mail marketing refers to the act of sending tangible items to your customers. It is a way to connect with leads in a meaningful way without the use of the internet.

The recent increase in digital marketing can be overwhelming to most consumers.

People are now getting swamped by email advertising and are resorting to ad-blocking software to enhance their digital experience.

In response to this, marketing strategists are looking through alternative methods to send their campaigns and messages. One of those is through a person’s mailbox.

Marketing may have gone digital over the past years, but if done right, you can integrate direct mail with other channels in your marketing campaign and make your business distinct.

What is direct mail marketing?

Direct mail marketing refers to the act of sending printed mails, dimensional packages, or other physical items to engage prospects and customers offline. It is a way to connect with your leads or clients in a meaningful way without the use of the internet. 

With direct mail, all you need to do is put something that identifies your business, an interesting call to action, and a way for customers to contact you and you are good to go. 

Companies can be as creative as they want, or stay minimal with their direct mails. The approach and design all depend on your team and how you want your brand to be noticed.

Why is it still working today?

Direct mail marketing is still working despite the rise of different digital platforms because it helps consumers avoid digital clutter. With it being sent directly to a lead’s mailbox, people aren’t interrupted with email notifications or promotions in their daily routine.

It also taps into the positive psychology of receiving a gift. Consumers love receiving gifts, and it is much more endearing for them if it is a physical, tangible present. 

Additionally, direct mail marketing is a useful component of an overall marketing campaign because of the reasons listed below.

It has a better response rate

Because direct mail is tangible, it enjoys a higher response rate than digital channels. Regardless of your budget or industry, direct mail can help boost your sales, launch a new product, or increase brand recognition for your company. 

Direct mail is effective on its own or it can be combined with other channels in your marketing strategy. It can also be used to communicate with your audience, grab their attention, and connect with them on a personal level.

It is memorable

In a world where most things are machine-made, handwritten mails are something that recipients won’t be able to ignore. It would feel like getting a personal letter from a family or friend rather than a marketing campaign from a company.

Because direct mail is tangible, it sticks with your audience. If you take the time to put a creative piece that is unique and fits your brand, it will stay in your audience’s memories.

There is also a big chance that your direct mail will be shared with the family and friends of your lead if they find it notable. This will allow you to increase brand awareness for your products or services.

It has a bigger audience reach

Digital marketing has the potential to be missed by other people in your target market. That is why direct mail is a convenient way to reach a wider demographic.

Older people or people who live in areas with poor internet access cannot see your online and social media advertisements. Sending mails directly to their areas gives them a chance to receive your marketing message.

Direct mail can be delivered to everyone. Everyone checks their mail, therefore this marketing strategy is the best way to turn most of your leads into paying customers.

It is creative

Creativity has no limit in direct mail. You can create unique, thoughtful handwritten cards, innovative items, personalized gifts, sweets and treats, gift cards, tickets, and more that could delight and entertain your recipients.

You can even pair social media and digital content marketing with direct mail for a seamless customer journey. Your team could get creative and use this as an opportunity to make a marketing campaign that is unique to your brand.

Advertisements follow us everywhere. You can use your team’s creative minds to engage a customer and make your direct mails stand out among your competitors.

Less competition

Customers are not likely to expect to receive physical mail in this digital age. That’s why companies are scaling back their direct mail marketing efforts in favor of digital marketing.

You can use that to your advantage and make your company’s direct messages work well. The internet is full of marketing campaigns, but the mailboxes are not. Take the less congested route and make your brand stand out.

Remember that most people will at least flip through their mails before throwing them away, and a colorful and creative piece of mail has a much better chance of getting noticed than a generic promotional message through an email or web page.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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