At least once in our lives, we’ve surely taken a free taste from a grocery stall or let a promodizer spray their latest perfume on our wrist at a mall. These tactics don’t only excite shoppers, but they directly initiate a connection and establish a lasting impression on buyers.
We’re living in an era where digital screens, social media, and online advertisements are non-stop running our lives. But which of these genuinely struck your inner desires? Have any of these commercials connected to you and pinpointed your actual wants?
Chances are you probably can’t even recall any of them as we are all bombarded with so many advertisements. These advertisements lack interaction, which is a significant part of marketing.
This is where experiential marketing comes to broaden your perspective. Read on to discover what experiential marketing is and how beneficial it can be for your business.
What is experiential marketing?
Experiential marketing is a business strategy that focuses on customer engagement and interaction. This approach in marketing persuades consumers not just to buy a product but to experience the product or the service first.
With this marketing approach, sales teams would mechanize sales pitches to encourage shoppers to directly interact with a product. To make this work, many businesses do it for free or through incentivized purchases.
Experiential marketing doesn’t only refer to having free samples ready, it’s about introducing your product to new audiences unfamiliar with your brand. It’s the perfect chance to advocate that you care for your brand.
Strong emotional connections between a brand and a consumer are built through remarkable experiences that they could never forget. Experiential marketing makes the entire process of knowing the brand more refreshing and personalized.
At this point, you’re probably thinking about what will happen once you decide to perform your own experiential marketing strategy.
Read on to find out how it can benefit your business.
How can experiential marketing benefit your business?
The ultimate goal of experiential marketing is to leave an unforgettable impression on your audiences. This doesn’t happen in a snap, so you have to constantly explore creative ways to engage and lock their attention.
If executed properly, you’ll reap the benefits of having experiential marketing as a business strategy.
It provides a personalized customer experience.
Experiential marketing campaigns can be executed in multiple ways. There are several avenues of customer engagement that can fit your audience and your products and services.
One of the goals of experiential marketing is to personalize your selling approach to every customer. Think outside the box, and don’t hesitate to explore other channels until you eventually find the best-fitting experimental approach for your niche.
You can simply start by talking to people at a fair, immerse with them and introduce your product. Tell them how it is different from the rest of your competitors. Let them see firsthand how you are unique from the rest.
It creates a strong emotional attachment to products.
When you see a stall at a mall that offers free testers, you initially think that you’ll give it a try because you’ll lose nothing anyways.
But when you actually get a firsthand experience of something you didn’t expect to go so well, it creates a strong bond to the product and the process itself.
That’s one of the best things about experiential marketing. It uncovers feelings that customers don’t even know they possess. It amplifies emotional attachment to products effective for them.
This manifests positive customer experience and increases the potential of them being repeat customers.
It can be easily shared.
In the age of social media, everyone would share anything they bought, places they’ve been to, the food they’ve eaten, or movies they’ve watched on their social media accounts.
These experiences create shareable moments that willfully let people capture these fun memories through photos and videos and share them on social networks.
If customers find your product and services, you’ll be surprised to stumble on these posts mentioning your brand!
Elevate your branding with experiential marketing
The digital field is already brimming with commercial ads, advertisements, and selling approaches that all look and sound monotonous in the face of consumers. We’re not saying these aren’t effective. After all, we are living in the age of social media.
But how would you stand out in the plethora of these marketing strategies? Elevate your branding with the use of experiential marketing. Let the people smell, touch, taste, and make use of your brand.
Let your brand speak to the emotional and mental senses of your target audience. Integrate with them and find out how your products ease their day-to-day lives. This is the perfect opportunity to establish a relationship and understand their needs holistically.