The future of e-commerce: What to expect this 2022

E-commerce has given every business, big and small, equal opportunities to deliver a stellar customer experience. With an even playing field, it poses the challenge of staying ahead of future e-commerce trends to keep up with market demands.

Discover what the latest e-commerce trends are below and how they are shaping the future of e-commerce this 2022.

E-commerce upon return to normal

People can no longer deny that e-commerce is now a part of their daily lives. This reliance was even amplified due to the online re-channeling of needs during the pandemic. That said, businesses have to work on enhancing their e-commerce strategies to stay relevant. 

More and more consumers are making purchases online, and they’re not expected to slow down anytime soon. When it comes to post-pandemic shopping, customers are primarily in search of quality, accessibility, affordability, and convenience.

The grace period is over for businesses — one out of five consumers are no longer tolerating service disruptions, and slow delivery can easily turn them off. As e-commerce booms, fast delivery has become the new cornerstone of an excellent customer experience.

Physical distances between the shops and consumers have little bearing. It doesn’t matter where they are — consumers expect brands to deliver on their promises and do so swiftly.

Things to expect from e-commerce this 2022

There are various trends shaping the future of e-commerce. Whether your company has been in the industry for years or just planning to venture into online retail, here are the trends and market demands you should keep an eye on this year.

Customers are in search of sustainable and ethical brands

After a worldwide crisis where people’s health and the environment suffered unprecedently, consumers are now more aware and conscious of how to take care of their body, well-being, and their surroundings.

It is a must for e-commerce companies to take action, too. Customers are much more willing to spend more on sustainable and ethical products that do little to no harm to the environment, from production and up to distribution. 

When it comes to online purchases and delivery, buyers proactively seek fast and environmentally-friendly packaging and shipping.

Marketing automation is a growing strategy

The ever-changing landscape of e-commerce has seen the need for companies to automate their digital marketing strategies. 

Using automated messaging can help your brand spark relationships with your target consumers while you position your products and services as a solution to their problems.

Marketing automation is also commonly applied to email marketing, where brands can communicate better with their customers and send them updates on a regular basis. This way, you can provide your contacts with relevant information more quickly and efficiently.

Consumers need enhanced payment options

The pandemic has pushed businesses to explore new ways to make things more convenient for their customers. One of the most necessary changes is offering new payment methods on e-commerce platforms. Long gone are the days when cash and credit cards are the only options for shoppers.

Apart from the usual check or credit and debit card payments, a lot of stores are now accepting e-cash payments and online bank transfers. It makes the process safe, fast, and easy for customers, sellers, and couriers.

Voice search and voice shopping are in

Voice assistant users make 3.1 billion voice searches every month. They use it for online shopping and for looking up product information, product prices, and many more. Online voice shopping has become normal for all ages, enabling retailers to incorporate voice search into one of their features.

Apart from enabling users to search easier without typing, voice search is also changing the game for search engine optimization. This trend is set to evolve over the next years.

Brick-and-mortar stores are making a comeback

Part of the post-pandemic era and living a new normal is the people’s urge to go outdoors. As establishments are reopening, consumers also go back out for grocery shopping and make travel bookings for work and leisure.

The increased demand for brick-and-mortar stores over the last year has revived the revenue of face-to-face marketing. Even if e-commerce platforms are booming, companies should also look into strategies that can tie up with brick-and-mortar retailing.

The future of e-commerce is now

The e-commerce market is continuously evolving, and businesses need to keep an eye on the latest e-commerce trends in order to be future-proof.

The future of e-commerce demands brands to stay current on these trends and make sure to incorporate these changes into their services. Not only will it help you level the playing field, but it will also give you a competitive edge in the e-commerce market.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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