Holiday marketing trends that businesses should prepare for

Drive your sales this holiday season with these holiday marketing trends.

It’s important that businesses and marketers know how people are coping, and give them the best service this holiday season.

Can you believe it? The holidays are once again just around the corner, and we almost didn’t notice how fast this year has been. As much as consumers want to celebrate differently this year, the pandemic has cut down their options in doing so.

To make this coming holiday season extra special for your customers, businesses need to get a jump start on their holiday marketing trends. 

These dramatic shifts —to focus more on online platforms, shop on digital apps, or even connect virtually with our families will make the difference in our celebration. 

Take a look at the following holiday marketing trends as they are all nothing short of a reliable source to boost sales strategy. 

Celebrating holidays post-pandemic

Pandemic fatigue is real, and it has taken a hard toll on everyone. Celebrating the holidays might be the most-anticipated breather for people to unwind, relax and spend a memorable time with their loved ones. 

But with all the changes over the last two years, people and businesses have new ways of celebrating holidays and special occasions.

It’s important that businesses and marketers know how people are coping, and give them the best service this holiday season. People are finding all sorts of ways to connect and celebrate with great distance and isolation.

Celebrating the holiday’s post-pandemic might mean lots of dinners over Zoom, small gatherings outdoors, or bigger watch parties.

Even during the holiday season, marketers should keep in mind that as much as we want to go all-out and get hammered, we make adjustments and sacrifices at home.

In this case, businesses should also adhere to these shifts and adjustments. For all these reasons, we’re here to give you the holiday marketing trends that businesses should prepare for.

Holiday marketing trends businesses should prepare for

The following holiday marketing trends will give you the best ideas on how you can amplify your marketing strategies this holiday season:

Ecommerce website optimization

Due to digital transitions, it’s more important for businesses to optimize their websites today. With so many consumers flocking the online shopping world, it’s vital to give them a seamless digital customer experience. 

No matter what industry you’re in, customers search for a fast and seamless digital experience. 

People have a hectic schedule during the holidays. They always want an easy and fast transaction. If your website is difficult to navigate, or it takes too long to load, customers will find another option. 

Small businesses can’t afford to lose customers during such a busy season. That’s why as early as now, you have to optimize your website to attract traffic. You also have to ensure that your support lines are easily-accessible and mobile-friendly.

Social media marketing

It’s no question that social media has become this vital tool where you can deliver your holiday marketing efforts. If you don’t market on social media during the holidays, you’re missing out on a lot of income opportunities.

Social media marketing is an effective business strategy to increase your brand’s reach while you engage with various communities on a deeper level. 

This is most especially true during the holiday season, where people post more frequently and share the biggest occasion of the year.

Maximize Facebook and Instagram merge

Facebook and Instagram can be the most effective in relation to social media marketing. Last 2020, Facebook merged messaging features of Instagram and Messenger. 

This integration allows users to contact brands on the same platform. It’s more convenient to find conversations as well.

Facebook and Instagram story features are also favorable ways of familiarizing people with your brand. You can promote them to increase their reach and encourage users to message your business.

Increase in mobile advertising and shopping

Mobile advertising is a convenient way for businesses to connect with consumers and vice versa. According to the World Advertising and Research Centre (WARC),  72% of internet users will access the web by 2025

No wonder online shopping through mobile apps dominates the holiday season. Mobile shopping has been the preferred consumer channel for shopping. 

Investing good money in making your website mobile-friendly is worth it. Make sure that your website has an appealing interface, accessible messaging feature, and easy payment options.

‘Tis the season to be jolly

Businesses of all sizes have already faced unprecedented challenges because of the pandemic. The holiday season appears to bring even more chaotic roads for businesses too. Making this event difficult for marketers to boost sales and drive better revenue.

But with the right footing and guide brought by these holiday marketing trends, your business can overcome these challenges. Such trends will give you a better insight into the preferences of your customers as they celebrate post-pandemic.

As people celebrate with social distancing, focusing more digitally might be the best thing we can do for now. As marketers and business owners, you have to do whatever it takes to maximize driving up your sales.

Have a merry holiday season! May you bring better service to your valued customers at the most wonderful time of the year.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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