Top ten tips to improve your business’ customer experience

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A business would definitely not prosper nor exist without its customers. This is why companies are innovating to find ways on how to boost their marketing strategy to retain more customers.

In this article, we’re going to give you a better overview of how to boost your customer experience by giving you our surefire tips below.

Understanding customer experience

Delivering a great customer experience is the main objective of one’s business. Customer experience is defined by the interactions and experiences your customer has with your business throughout their entire customer journey. 

A customer who receives a remarkable experience with your brand will definitely become a repeat customer.

The study conducted by Oracle found that 74% of upper-level management believes that customer experience impacts the decision of a customer to stay in a business. This means that better customer experience equates to an increase of loyal customers.

Top ten tips to improve your business’ customer experience

If you want to give your clients a great customer experience, take a look at out top 10 tips on how you can improve your customer experience:

1. Build an omnichannel service

Gone are the days of waiting all day for your customers’ telephone calls alone. With more than 50% of web traffic coming from digital devices, multiple social media networking sites are now the usual place of interaction.

But, today’s leaders understand that it’s not just about maintaining consistent support across different devices. Establishing an omnichannel service also means that your business goals go hand in hand with prioritizing customers.

That means, your omnichannel service should be seamless and consistent to their needs while you gain their trust and loyalty.

2. Know your products and services.

In order to address all of your customers’ concerns, you must have a deep knowledge of your products and services. 

It’s recommended that each customer service agent should learn all these important details during training. A seasoned product specialist would be very helpful so the agents can ask questions and fully understand the nitty-gritty of the product. 

This way, they’ll be able to help customers when it comes to troubleshooting requests, product tips and other subscription matters.

3. Personalize your responses

Customers feel a lot more special when you personalized your responses to them. Personalization adds glitter to your conversations and makes them sound more sincere.

If agents are able to answer their questions in detail, the customers’ journeys become smoother. It also strengthens the relationship of the brand and customer. 

4. Value employees’ insights

Employees or your agents are the frontliners of your business. 

They’re the initial point of information when it comes to delivering your brand’s promises. That’s why their role is equally pivotal when it comes to perceiving customers’ expectations.

If something goes wrong with that connection, it will also affect the understanding of your customers, and their perception of you. 

Ensuring that your employees are valued can be shown when you also value their insights and opinions. Because when they feel valued, they are more engaged at the workplace and more willing to help customers.

You can also take your employees’ feedback about their roles. Rewarding them by making a clear connection between their job performance will underline how important they are to you.

5. Map your customers’ journey

Mapping your customers’ journey will give you a clear perspective on their own preferences in processes throughout their interaction and relationship with your brand.

By cross-referencing journey maps with core metrics, you can get a better understanding of your customer experience. You can use these journey maps to improve your handling their requests and work on the betterment of your service.

6. Send CSAT surveys to customers

This is undeniably one of the best ways to understand your customer experience management.

Send customer satisfaction surveys to measure your customer service metrics by asking how efficient, polite, and knowledgeable your agents are in handling requests.

Once you understand which areas you excel and which areas you need more improvement at, and which ones you need to improve, you can focus on these specific skills to work on.

7. Reward loyal customers

You can offer a loyalty program to your customers and give them the perks for choosing your business for such a long time.

Since you already have their data, you can use it to wow your loyal customers with an experience that would be beneficial for them—something relevant to their tastes.

The end goal is to make them feel appreciated so that they would stay longer with your brand. You’d also benefit from word-of-mouth referrals online that would greatly improve your reputation.

8. Be available 24/7

Given how important it is to offer quick consumer response rates, it’s only necessary to have a dedicated customer support team that could operate 24/7.

To make it work, you can hire multiple customer representatives and have them work in shifts. If you want to reduce costs, you can try outsourcing customer support positions too.

9. Provide FAQs with solutions

This is something your managing or content team should handle. Information coming from your customers’ inquiries and feedback can be a good source for creating 

frequently asked questions or FAQs. 

Identify the most common inquiries and complaints that people have and make an FAQ sheet on your page or business website.

It would be easier for your support team as well as customers to have a platform where they can access such information. The customer would have been able to help themselves especially if it’s an urgent query.

10. Use metrics to measure customer experience

Our last but not the least tip: use metrics! The best way to measure your customer experience is to directly ask your customers and let them rate your service. 

Apart from CSAT surveys we mentioned earlier, there are other tools to measure their experience. You can look into their Average Holding Time or AHT and Net Promoter Score or NPS.

Win over your customers’ hearts

Win over your customers’ hearts and give them the best customer experience there is with these dependable tips. Identifying their needs and prioritizing them is key for you to meet their expectations.

If you have happy customers that are more than willing to be loyal ones, both parties will benefit from these experiences. They will achieve their wants as a consumer, and you will gain more revenue to grow your business.

Picture of Jewel Tirona

Jewel Tirona

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